Comedy Club and Restaurant Bar
Fully immersive comedy club, bar and restaurant located in the 1st arrondissement of Paris. Framed with welded rebar and flat bar tabs, half clad in zinc panels salvaged from the roofs of Paris, half clad in pressed ceiling tin panels shipped from Brooklyn to create a rounded bent metal space. Integrated into the walls are benches, porthole lighting, lighting made of salvaged fireplace ovens, air conditioning and heating, main sound system. Central to the space is a large wood stage made of steam bent reclaimed oak flooring.
This was a privately commissioned piece; access to the space is by ticket reservation only. At the owners request full photos of the space will not be published. For wide photos of the space please contact Outlier directly.
Designed and built by Diirby and Takao Shiraishi
Lead by Diirby
Built with Ank Turnbull, Josh Hall and Ales Josifovski
Photos by Diirby